Thursday, March 26, 2009


why why why??? i'm tired and i have loads of homework and wow! i am even too lazy to use capitals on my sentences. only 3 more weeks until april vacation, then seven more weeks until the last day of school. this year has gone by too quickly.

<3 Lucy

Oh, Liz, if you read this, I absolutely love your haircut!!!!!! :)

Friday, March 13, 2009

Long Time

Short post today. I don't really have an interest for blogging anymore...I guess you could say...
Sorry for the long time of not posting, and for the short post today.
Good Luck Liz, Valentine, Ben W, Griffin, and Colby at "callbacks" today!
<3 Lucy

Monday, March 2, 2009

Snow in MARCH???

Come on Mother Nature! It's March and I have a Snow Day? The way it's going now, it might still be snowing in April, and that would not be pretty!!!!
The excitement of a snow day wears off at about 9am...then I have nothing else to do but homework, and that is not fun. I guess I can think of Snow Days from now on as a big, long GLT where I am allowed to yahoo!chat with friends and watch movies.

Well, I hope Mother Nature understands my disliking for snow...maybe I should move to California!! :)
<3 Lucy